I'm Matt an advisory director to KeyWellness. I believe in developing the mind body and spirt through the eight keys of Key Wellness.
Without knowing what they were, I have devoted a portion of my day each day to each of the eight keys, but now with greater focus and understanding I am able to do so more deliberately.
My hobbies include non fiction writing. I am a lawyer by training (J.D.) and businessman, with several online and physical businesses.
Life is good! when I allow it to be, which is most all of the time!
Without knowing what they were, I have devoted a portion of my day each day to each of the eight keys, but now with greater focus and understanding I am able to do so more deliberately.
My hobbies include non fiction writing. I am a lawyer by training (J.D.) and businessman, with several online and physical businesses.
Life is good! when I allow it to be, which is most all of the time!